Welcome artists to the first newsletter of 2019
The 16th Annual Ocean Shores Art Expo is a 3 day event with work being on display and for sale from Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th August.
Our 2019 theme is “Celebrating a Moment” and we look forward to seeing your inspiring interpretations. Entries close on Wednesday 24th July.
Awards Night is Friday 23rd August, when the winners of the $1,000 OS Art Expo “Vale”award, and the six category awards will be announced.
Announcing a New Award for 2019 – $1000 Ocean Shores Golden Jubilee Award
2019 is the 50th anniversary of the official founding of Ocean Shores on the 29th March,1969. A significant historical moment for our community. To acknowledge this occasion, we are partnering with the Ocean Shores Golden Jubilee Committee (GJC) who are sponsoring a $1000 Art Award, to be judged & presented by the G J Committee on the Awards night.
Judging Criteria:
To be eligible for the Golden Jubilee Award, artists will need to create a work in any of the six Art Expo categories which applies the theme “Celebrating A Moment” to an aspect of the history of Ocean Shores.*
Note: Under the terms of the Ocean Shores Art Expo conditions of entry, the winning artwork would be for sale & also be eligible in the overall judging process for the established annual awards.
Jan Mangleson, the Chair of the Golden Jubilee Committee has provided this information to assist artists. Future newsletters will contain more information.
*Ocean Shores and district refers to the coastal area north of the Brunswick River, up to the Tweed border at Wooyung Road. This is the extent of the northern land purchases made by Wendell West. The town of Ocean Shores and the villages of Billinudgel, South Golden Beach and New Brighton, plus rural areas of The Pocket, Middle Pocket, Yelgun, Wooyung make up this district of The Pocket Valley and Northern Byron coast.
A message from the Golden Jubilee Committee
“In 1969, the development of the town of Ocean Shores officially began on 29th March, with the opening of the new administration building (the Roundhouse) by the NSW State Minister for Housing and Co-operatives, The Hon. S. T. Stephens, and a large crowd of invited guests. The clubhouse was also built by the Ocean Shores developers, as well as the golf course, sales office (now the motel), Orana Bridge, Orana apartments, Billinudgel Industrial estate, Tyagarah airport, roads and services infrastructure, residential allotments etc..
The history of this town and of this district goes back probably about three or four millennia with the coming of the Minjumbil Durrungbil Ngarkwal people to the north coast, and in more recent times of the coming of the European timber getters and later the farmers. In 1849 Steve King and the Boyd brothers sailed into the Brunswick River, anchored in Readings Bay and made camp beside thefresh watercreek near the Ocean Shores Tavern. This is the first European settlement in the future Byron Shire. The town of Ocean Shores began in 1968/9 when about a dozen dairy farms were purchased by Wendell West Australia Pty Ltd and work began. A Deed of Agreement with various statutory authorities and the owners of the dairy farms was officially signed later in the year, detailing the future development of the town.”
On Saturday 30th March 2019, we are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of that event at a Golden Jubilee Dinner Dance at the Country Club, 6pm for 7pm. Tickets are $39 per person. Pre dinner drinks and nibblies, wine and choice of two dinner menus, music, entertainment, Ocean Shores Public School Choir, historical displays all included. Phone 0431 477445 to reserve your tickets, or website www.oceanshorescommunity.org.
We hope you will find the theme “Celebrating a Moment” richly creative and thanks to the Golden Jubilee Committee’s award there is also the option to be rewarded for creating a work with an historical theme.
Richard Heazlewood-Ross
For the OS Art Expo Cttee.