Alex Moss lightshow at the Ocean Shores Art Expo 2019
Alex Moss created an amazing lightshow and dazzled our visitors upon arrival.
Alex Moss created an amazing lightshow and dazzled our visitors upon arrival.
Mana Aloha Hula Troupe— photo by Sean O’Shea Join us to celebrate the moment in song, dance, and poetry on Sunday, the 25th of August from 1:30-3 pm at Ocean Shores Primary School Hall. This cultural afternoon is the last chance to see the community art at the annual Ocean Shores Art Expo, so come …
We are excited to announce that 276 entries are registered for the 16 th Art Expo. There will also be a huge number of student artworks on the same theme “Celebrating a Moment”. As well, 101 artists have chosen subjects to be eligible for the Jubilee Prize. NOTE: IF YOU REGISTERED TO ENTER THE ART …
Artists can enter here for the 2019 Ocean Shores Art Expo. Important information: Please read the Conditions of Entry before moving on to the Entry Form. You will be able to nominate your work to be eligible for the Golden Jubilee Art prize Entries close on Wednesday July 24. Delivery of works is between 2-6 …
Winners of prizemoney totalling $8200 will be announced at the Awards Night, 7pm on Friday 23rd August. The two $100 Viewer’s Choice Awards, one chosen by Adults and the other by children, will be announced prior to the exhibition closing on Sunday afternoon. Artists please carefully read the 2019 Conditions of Entry for the Ocean …
To assist us in promoting the exhibition widely, please circulate the flyer & encourage people to visit our social media sites through your networks. $1000 Jubilee Award This year’s overarching theme “Celebrating a Moment” has the option for artists to choose a subject which captures an aspect of Ocean Shores history. Choosing this topic as …